Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Concluding Thoughts

I woke up from my colonoscopy with my traditional confusion and disorientation. I recall the doctor walking up and saying that things looked fine and that they had removed a polyp. He let me take home the pictures from the polyp removal and his writeup about it. Nice guy.

I guess that polyp that my previous gastro thought might require surgery to remove had morphed into a non-problem over the past year. I compared the pictures from my 2009 colonoscopy and the polyp looked fairly different – in 2009 it was white and puffy, in 2010 it was the same color as everything else and looked smaller and denser. I have no idea if these statements make any sense or are even true, given that I’m just comparing pictures on a piece of paper, but there you have it.

I got a call from the doctor’s office yesterday saying that the polyp was benign and everything is fine. I should come back in a year for another colonoscopy.

So here I am. One year after embarking on what I thought was a fairly radical experiment, and the sum total of my medically noted results is “Everything looks fine.” Talk about an oddly deflating experience. On the one hand, this confirms that I am in a medicine free remission, that I am generally healthy and free of Crohn’s activity. That is massively good news and a confirmation of the Hypothesis. On the other… well, everything’s fine. Could just be a fluke. Who knows?

So with that little humbling thought, here are my takeaways from a year of very-low-carbohydrate, zero starch eating:

1) It appears to have been effective at maintaining remission. My first three or four months were quite turbulent and felt as if I was having a flare up, but I stuck with it and the reward is more than worth it. Or maybe I’m just lucky? Epistemic crisis here I come.

2) It is not hard to do, provided that one actually is interested in the outcome. I’ve been continually perplexed by the hangups people have about food and the preconceptions they refuse to let go of in the face of evidence like my lack of dying. How on earth can anyone say, “Oh there’s no way I could do that.” Seriously? There are people on this planet whose entire lives are spent in a brutal daily struggle for food that they eventually lose based on the arbitrary whims of an unfeeling universe, yet the idea of eating a calorically and nutritionally complete diet of meat, eggs and cheese for a year is inconceivable.

A lot of this has to do with not having any stake in the outcome of the experiment. It’s easy to not think through a statement about the diet if the only time you think about it is the once a month you happen to notice what I’m eating, and then make some idiotic claim about how it’d be impossible to handle. It’s not only not impossible, it’s trivial. You simply have to know some basic facts about why it’s a worthwhile approach, commit to a goal, and then do it. Perhaps I’m too impatient with other people’s frailties, but even that is hard to accept because I’m about as frail as they come. So why is it that this wasn’t a disastrously difficult experience for me despite the near unanimous outcry of how hard it must be?

People just don’t ever think about what it means to eat, about why they eat, or they just don’t care about their health enough to do so. If they did, they might find giving up certain foods to be fairly simple. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. Of course, I was and likely still am one of the ignorant, but man oh man do I hope I wasn’t so blatant about it in the past.

3) Ebringer’s research really, really deserves more attention in the Crohn’s patient and research communities. Maybe I’m a fluky n=1 random event, but I doubt it. Browsing through the mainstream articles and forums is an incredibly depressing exercise in watching the conventional wisdom of “there is no cure, prepare to suffer” stifle people’s attempts to find relief. The CCFA’s criticism of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet was a ludicrous read - I hate conspiracy theories, but it’s like the mainstream doesn’t want there to be a way to manage the disease without constant medication, so anything that promises such must be attacked with tenuous logic and absurd “warnings” like “children might not get enough calories”. What?! Fearmongering bullshit at its worst.

4) Just try it. It’s one year of your life and it may improve every other year you ever live. We like to talk about putting in your time and making investments, but it’s rare that we have the opportunity to do so in our own lives with such a radical payoff. There is no guarantee of success, but there is a guarantee of failure if you do nothing.

I went back and reread my introduction post and I wanted to offer up some thoughts about how my perspective has changed since then.

I relied almost entirely on ethnographic observations to get me to this diet. The only modern clinical evidence I saw was Lutz’s claim of 80% remission with a low carb diet. While this was a happy outcome, I’m now much more leery of relying on such a shaky foundation for diet – I don’t think I posted anything that’s outright false in that introduction, but I far prefer the work of Ebringer as a foundation for low starch eating in inducing/maintaining Crohn’s remission to a collection of random observations about the general health of primitive populations.

Those biases eventually lead me to the “paleo diet” movement that is bouncing around the internets as we speak. Basically, the theory goes that since humans evolved over a time span of millennia, we should focus on eating the foods which most closely resemble those we evolved to eat, while avoiding those which are too recent for humanity to have adapted to. The closer to the present a food was invented or introduced into the pool, the more skepticism it should be viewed with.

I have my disagreements with various takes on paleo. I dislike the magical thinking and speculation that it seems to breed, the caveman metaphor, the constant optimum seeking and above all the orthodoxy of thought that any principled approach to eating engenders. However, I like the basic premise and I like how it provides a pretty simple and accurate mental model for selecting healthy food. Sure, maybe a given individual can tolerate gluten better than someone else, but they don’t really miss out on much by eating more meat instead of bread. And if they experiment and have no problems, hell, add it back in.

Generally speaking, I think I went through the process of being a new convert and now I’m back to being a relatively cynical skeptic with some new biases based on some new experiences. We’ll see how well that bears out.

So, that’s it. I did it. I ate pretty much an all meat diet for a full year. I did not die. I did not get scurvy or any evident deficiency. I ate a lot of cow and I’m in apparently good health.

I turned 26 this weekend and for the first birthday in about five years, I didn’t have to take four grams of pills.

Best present ever.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Final monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.

Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:
The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.
The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.
The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.
I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.

July was spent largely on vacation. My data for the month is thus somewhat sketchy, but generally speaking I was fine. We went hiking in the Adirondacks again (just like in August of last year) and once again I felt fine walking up mountains. Well, maybe fine is the wrong word – I was able to do it and fight through the pain of walking up the side of a mountain.
There’s not much to say. I feel fine. I weigh about 15 pounds more than I did when I started. My bowel movements are regular, healthy and I rarely get diarrhea. It’s been a year and I’m pretty sure I’m in a drug free remission. Success?
The final colonoscopy is scheduled for July 30th. I’ll find out then.

(Note: Posting this pretty late because I'm lazy. The next post will deal with the post-colonoscopy review and concluding thoughts)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

June Weights and Measures

Elevent monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.


Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:

The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.

The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.

The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.

I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.


June featured a long vacation which thoroughly disrupted the data. I went to England to visit my parents, and discovered the wonders of the British dairy aisle. Shockingly enough, each container of “double cream” contained… just cream. No random other crap added in for no good reason. Tasted great and very thick as well.

I was pretty digestively sound in England, returned for a week, and then embarked on a trip to the beach, which also disrupted my record keeping for the start of July. Thus, this entry will be short – except to note one important thing:

My year is almost up!

It’s incredible that July 20 is approaching so quickly. One year without eating anything but animal products and not only am I not dead, I’m feeling fine, have plenty of energy for strenuous activity like paintball and appear to be in excellent general health. Such subjective measures mean nothing, of course. The only real test will be my colonoscopy on July 30th and what the biopsies show.

I initially intended to make some predictions, but this past year has taught me that I know too little for that to be a worthwhile exercise. I find myself with little confidence in any prediction I can come up with. The polyp found last year might have become cancerous, or maybe it’s gone completely, or maybe there’s been no change. I’m definitively asymptomatic when it comes to overt Crohn’s symptoms like cramping and diarrhea, but I do get a twinge now and then which makes me wonder what’s going on down there. What will the biopsy show? Maybe I’ll look like hamburger, or completely cured, or maybe I’ll just look like a guy with mild colitis like always. Gotta love uncertainty.

Suffice it to say that I’m anxiously awaiting the results and hope that they’re as positive as the experience itself has been. There’s nothing worse than thinking, “Wow, this must be really working!” only to get a cold bucket of medical reality in the face.

My next post will be a look back over the past year, focusing on the things I was wrong about, lessons learned, and what I’ll do with the next year. Till then… one month to go!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Hypothesis

The Hypothesis

In my travels through life and the internets, I’ve recently had a bunch of people ask me exactly what it is I’m doing, and why I’m doing it. Looking back at my initial explanation post, I realize that it doesn’t really do any scientific justice to my thoroughly unscientific experiment, at least not when it comes to explaining and justifying my course of action through the statement of a hypothesis for testing.

So here‘s the hypothesis:

By eating no starch and no fiber, I will put my Crohn’s Disease into clinical remission by reducing or eliminating the activity of Klebsiella Pneumoniae in my gut.

Ok! But what the hell does that mean? Why do I think this will work? What’s the end game? Let’s start with the most compelling piece of theoretical science, move to the only significant tests of that science, and then on to how (and why) to test it yourself if you have Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis or IBD/IBS.


(In the spirit of credit where credit is due, I must thank AJ for telling me about Ebringer’s work and taking the time to talk to me about the implications. I owe him a great debt of gratitude! AJ is also attempting a low starch diet with success in treating his Crohn’s.)

Alan Ebringer, a professor of Immunology at King’s College, London, lead a research team studying ankylosing spondylitis (AS), which is a condition of auto-immune arthritis of the lower back. They discovered that patients with AS tended to have anti-bodies in their bodies to a ubiquitous bacterium called Klebisella Penumoniae (KP). KP is present in everyone’s intestines, but if everything is working properly your body’s immune system should not be required to control it. In AS patients, something was wrong with the way their guts and immune system were handling this bacteria.

Ebringer and his team eventually developed the following hypothesis. I am probably simplifying this through my ignorance of the full meaning of the terms in the papers, but I think I have the gist correct:

90% of their patients with AS produced the HLA-B27 antigen. KP produces a particular enzyme to break down starch for digestion which happened to partially mimic the structure of the HLA-B27 antigen, as well as the structure of several types of collagen in your body. When you eat a large bolus of starch, not all of it will be digested before your KP has a chance to eat some. The KP will merrily eat and reproduce until the starch is gone, at which point they slowly die back until the next meal.

If you have good gut permeability (that is low gut permeability), and little damage to your intestines from your diet, chances are that the products of bacterial action will never cross the tight junctions in your gut and into your body. If, however, you are at all sensitive to gluten, lectin, or any of the other common allergens in the modern diet, or you have recently suffered trauma to your gut, you may have a compromised gut which will allow minute amounts of KP and KP byproducts to by pass the gut wall. Your body’s immune system will respond like it does to any foreign protein – it will being producing anti-bodies which are coded to attack that protein.

But that’s the catch. If you are HLA-B27 positive, your immune response may be confused and attack not only the foreign proteins, but any protein which mimic them. You are now experiencing an auto-immune response, and in AS patients, this manifests itself as chronic inflammation of the spine and pelvic joints.

Ebringer and his team noticed an association between AS and IBS, so they decided to see how Crohnies fared in terms of KP anti-body counts. They discovered that Crohn’s sufferers also had very elevated KP anti-body activity, but they were predominately HLA-B27 negative. So they went looking and discovered that KP also mimics several kinds of collagen which are helpfully present in your intestinal wall: right where you get the colitis that characterizes Crohn’s! They concluded that people who are HLA-B27 positive have a high propensity to develop AS if they compromise their gut, while people who are HLA-B27 negative would get Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, and the other inflammatory bowel disorders.

Ebringer and company developed what they call the “low-starch diet” and prescribed it to their AS patients. Unfortunately, funding for their research appears to have dried up and Ebringer himself has retired. Presumably someone will be along to pick up this line of inquiry, but until then we’re in limbo in terms of further theoretical advances, at least that I’ve seen. I make no claims to being all knowing and all seeing so maybe I’m pleasantly mistaken and there is a full blown clinical trial going on somewhere!

In the absence of that miracle, however, we are left with no published clinical tests run by Ebringer to establish whether or not the low-starch diet would work for AS or Crohn’s patients. Which leads us to the next question.


There are two “tests” of this theory available, one strong, one weak. I’ll lead with my low card here.

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet was created by Sidney Haas in the 1920s in an attempt to address celiac, Crohn’s and other digestive disorders. It was fairly successful, but it was supplanted once the actual mechanism behind celiac was discovered. This probably buried Haas in the footnotes of celiac disease and the effectiveness of the diet for Crohn’s was lost until Elaine Gottschall wrote Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Since the book was published, many people suffering from various bowel disorders have reported success if they were very strict in following the dietary recommendations Gottschall laid out.

I call this my weak evidence because anecdotes are not data. There are also a substantial number of people who fail on the SCD – adherents might say that’s because the failures couldn’t stick to the program, a view which I tend to agree with, but which must be taken into account when applying proper skepticism. SCD also lacks a specific mechanism for how it treats the diseases it appears to alleviate, which makes it less useful when one is trying to synthesize disparate sources into an overall hypothesis or worldview. So the SCD is intriguing, but barring clinical trials will remain only intriguing for the mainstream.

For our purposes, the collective anecdote of the SCD community provides a partial test of the hypothesis. The SCD also allows invert sugar (honey) and nuts in the form of nut flours in the diet. I’m somewhat curious about the nut flours, since many nuts appear to have a fair amount of starch in them, and leery of the sugar for other reasons. I wonder if some of the SCD failures have been caused by people falling into the candy cigarettes trap of trying to fake themselves out with “bread” made from walnut flour.

On to the second test of the hypothesis. Wolfgang Lutz was an early low-carbohydrate diet promoter. He practiced in Austria in the 1970s, and wrote a book entitled Leben Ohne Brot, or in English, Life without Bread. The book is fairly standard low-carb fare until the end, where the authors detail how various medical conditions responded to low-carbohydrate diets.

When I hit this part in the book, I started skimming until I hit the gastrointestinal disorder section. That’s when I discovered a truly jaw-dropping graph for any Crohn’s sufferer. If I weren’t suddenly inspired to obey copyright law, I would reproduce the original here, but instead I’ll just describe the results: Lutz claimed an 80% remission rate after six months of nothing more complicated than low carb dieting.

That’s either complete bull or a very powerful, if overly broad, confirmation of the hypothesis. People following Lutz’s diet are allowed 6 “bread units” a day – basically, the amount of carbohydrate in six slices of bread, or 72 grams – and so one can imagine that the diet of the 80% who were successful contained plenty of starch. If so, then the hypothesis would actually be falsified, since the starch and fiber restrictions would be shown to be irrelevant, or at least overly strict. But that information is not forthcoming in the book and I doubt that it would be possible to obtain the food logs of patients from the 70s at this point.

We can’t fully trust the Lutz results because they were not verified via clinical trial. The patient records of a practicing doctor can be considered very powerful arguments in the justification of a trial, but are not themselves as compelling as the results of a well run trial. So again, we must remain skeptical.

Thankfully, we don’t have to leave it at that.

How (and why) to test this yourself

The essence of science is the testing of ideas by experiment. Here we have an eminently testable idea, one you can test in your very own home. You don’t need a particle collider to change your diet and observe the results. Here’s how to run the test:

1) Start eating according to the low-starch diet outlined by Ebringer. This may not be readily available on the internet so I’ll reproduce the basics here:

a. Eliminate grains, sugar, all starchy vegetables and legumes (basically anything that isn’t green and crunchy), fruits and nuts.

b. Replace the eliminated foods with fatty meat and non-starchy vegetables.

Your goal is to completely get rid of all the starch in your diet. All of it – don’t compromise, don’t wimp out, don’t pine away for an ice cream cone and cheat. Your mindset should be that of a boxer stepping into the ring or a marathoner taking the first step in the race – you are in a fight here, a fight where you don’t get to make many mistakes, a fight which quite literally might determine how the rest of your life plays out.

2) Continue this diet strictly for at least six months. Work with your doctor on your medications; most aren’t too happy if you just drop them cold turkey, and if you are on steroid therapy quitting cold turkey can be very dangerous to your health. I’ll say that again: if you are taking predisone or another steroid, do not quit cold turkey!

3) Let us know how it turned out!

Many people respond to the diet proposed with horror. No more cookies? No more cake? No more bread? Are you insane?

My response is simple: no, I’m not insane. You give up all of those things, but you also might get to throw your pills away forever. You get to take your health back forever. Rather than cycling through flare-ups and getting progressively more disquieting reports on your colonoscopies until you eventually end up with a colostomy bag, you can take control of your future and maybe avoid that fate. You can avoid a huge increase in risk of prostate and bowel cancers. You can avoid the late night sessions sitting cramped on the toilet wondering what the hell is going on and when it’s going to end, and the creeping despair inherent in the knowledge that tomorrow you’re going to have to pop several grams of medication just to stay alive.

I can’t promise anyone that this diet will work. I still don’t know if it will work. I can say with certainty that I do not have any symptoms of Crohn’s – I have no pain or diarrhea, I’m gaining rather than losing weight, I feel great – but even if my next colonscopy is so amazing that doctor thinks I lied about the diagnosis I still can’t say with certainty that the diet did it. I’ll probably live my whole life wondering. But at least that life won’t be lived as a slave to a bottle of pills, and maybe, if I’m lucky, enough people will try this diet and diets like it that the mainstream will take notice.

So if you’re still with me at this point, I sincerely hope you give it a shot. By way of offering support, feel free to shoot me an email and ask for help or let me know how things are going. I'm always interested in hearing from people who have tried a dietary approach - whether it worked or it didn't.

Good luck!

May Weights and Measures

Tenth monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.


Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:

The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.

The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.

The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.

I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.


So may got interesting!

The pain from my mystery steak buffet illness subsided until it was time for the endoscopy. Of course, at that point I was something of a hypochondriac and I was aware of every burp or stomach rumble, but by that point nothing hurt anymore. As I walked into the center I thought, “Great, do I really need this?” Nothing like wasting money on a medical test you don’t need. But I was there and I hadn’t had an endoscopy in years, and ignoring medical conditions has bitten me in the ass repeatedly, so in I went.

The nurse prepping me asked what I was in for. Eventually he found out that I had Crohn’s and said, “Oh I have that too. How do you manage it?” That put me in the awkward situation of trying to explain this great diet that’s working really great except for that whole two day crippling pain episode. I think he was just trying to kill time though, so I didn’t get much of a reaction.

My gastro arrived and started reviewing the results of my blood tests while I was lying on the gurney. My fasting blood glucose was pretty low (73) and he joked that I should eat a piece of bread. Har har. I am somewhat intrigued by the low reading and I’ll probably get around to doing a glucose meter experiment one of these days.

Then they knocked me out. I woke up and the doctor said, “Doesn’t look like anything significant. We took some biopsies, we’ll let you know how they turn out.” Great! Nothing significant. I had just wasted everyone’s time – outstanding.

I went about my life as usual for the next week or so. I started lifting weights again at the end of April, just squatting. I wanted to see if I could break my previous record and didn’t really care about the rest of the lifts. Of course, that’s “not doing the program”, and I wasn’t eating enough, so all in all it was a moderate to severely stupid plan. More on that later.

I got a voicemail from a nurse at the endoscopy center saying, in total, “We got the results of your biopsy and you definitely have GERD. You really need to be on Nexium. Call us if you need a prescription or if you’ve run out.” Since it was a voicemail I couldn’t respond with, “Wait, the doctor said it wasn’t anything serious. What the heck?”

I did a quick research blitz, which lead me to Jonathan Wright, who claims that low stomach acid is the cause of 90% of heartburn cases. I dutifully tried the acid treatment recommendations: take one betaine HCl pill with a meal, see if you “feel a burn”. Keep adding a pill until you either feel a burn or something bad happens, and then back off one pill. As near as I can tell after three tries, the result of taking a stomach acid supplement was nausea and diarrhea. Since I didn’t have visible heartburn symptoms to begin with, I had no way of evaluating its reflux fighting power. Ok, back to square one.

I scheduled an appointment and talked to the gastro. He showed me the biopsy report, which did indeed claim that I had “moderate chronic reflux”. The “chronic” part was surprising, since I hadn’t noticed any reflux or heartburn symptoms at all until that one event. The doc mentioned that some people don’t feel the reflux, and that perhaps I was one of them. He rattled off a few meds I could try, none of which were appealing. He was unimpressed with the acid hypothesis and said that I was too young to have to worry about that. End result: I walked out with a prescription for some drug “if I wanted to try it” and a recommendation for another endoscopy in a year to see how I was doing.

More research. This time I ran across Ricardo de Souza Pereira, a doctor from Brazil who had compared a supplement with a Nexium precursor drug to see which was better at controlling heartburn symptoms. The supplement won hands down. That caught my attention. Dr. Michael Eades (see blog) had apparently come across this before and tried to market it in the US with no success. He’s got a very interesting blog post about that whole process. He also hosts a summary of the study, which helpfully gives the supplement ingredients.

After doing some more research, I discovered that melatonin appears to be the critical ingredient. There’s an anecdote about a woman who was able to control her heartburn with 6mg of melatonin before bedtime. The therapy is founded on the fact that melatonin, often associated only with the pineal gland and sleep, is also secreted by your gastrointestinal tract for unknown reasons. The way it works on hearburn is, in theory:

However, others concluded that the esophagoprotective activity of melatonin against GERD might be related to the inhibitory effect of this indole on gastric acid secretion and due to stimulation of gastrin release, which might attenuate the gastro-esophageal reflux by stimulation of the contractile activity of the lower esophageal sphincter”

A more recent study (quote above) comparing melatonin with omeprazole had some very interesting results. (Sidenote: omeprazole is basically Prilosec, which, when its patent expired, was trivially altered into Nexium, which was then patented again. Gotta keep those patents. So Prilosec is widely used in research as a stand in for prescription heartburn medications.)

The most interesting, and I think important, dichotomy here is the fact that melatonin generated significant increases in LES tone while the omeprazole only created “non-significant” increases. Since reflux is fundamentally a disorder of acid entering the esophagus, melatonin does a better job of treating the fundamentals of the disorder.

In any event, after reading up on that I went to the store and started taking 6mg of melatonin before bed. Again, since I have no obvious heartburn symptoms, this experiment is very difficult to judge. As far as I can tell, the only result has been MUCH deeper sleep. That was a welcome side-effect, since I’m usually the sort of sleeper who will wake up if a mouse farts in the house next door. I’m still looking for studies on the long term effects of melatonin supplementation, but so far I’m happy. We’ll see how it goes.

Since GERD is a clear indication of dietary failure, I went back and reviewed my food choices up until now. My clear reliance on dairy might be a significant contributing factor, but it’s really damn hard to get enough fat without dairy. So I’m not sure if I can give that up as of yet.

I had always been intrigued by the specific carbohydrate diet, which I suppose I am now doing a rather extreme version of, and thought, “Well they eat yogurt. I should see how.” The end result of that line of inquiry was me making homemade yogurt for the first time. It came out pretty watery, but after letting is strain through a cheesecloth for a couple hours it thickened up into some pretty decent (super sour) greek yogurt. I bought a tub of full fat Fage yogurt at the grocery store and my stuff tasted about the same, just a bit more sour. I suspect this was because I fermented mine, or at least tried to ferment mine, for 24 hours, whereas the commercial operations probably only do it for half as long.

If the Klebsiella Pneumoniae connection is true, I really don’t want lactose getting into my large intestine, so I might have to start fermenting my own yogurt from here on out. I need to make some modifications to my system before that’s really a sustainable activity, but it’s actually a pretty simple thing to do.

A final note on weight lifting. It turns out that only working one exercise and not eating a lot of food still results in you stalling. I can’t seem to get 170lbs for 3 sets of 5 on my squat. Since this is a pathetically weak squat for an adult male, I suspect that it just happens to be the weight at which underlying form issues are exposed to the point where I can’t force my way through it. So I guess I’ll be working on form for a while, eating a lot more and doing the damn program.

Ten months down, two to go (holy crap!)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

April Weights and Measures

Ninth monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.


Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:

The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.

The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.

The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.

I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.


April was uneventful up until the weekend of the 17th and 18th. I was driving back from VA after a weekend of paintball and noticed a sign advertising 20oz Porterhouse steaks for $14. I demanded that the whole team pull off the highway and eat dinner there, so we did. It turned out to be a steak buffet (they have those!) and everything seemed to be great. I ate some steak, a porkchop, and a piece of meat from some stew thing.

Within a few hours I was burping like crazy and felt like the top of my stomach was bloated. The next day, Monday, everything I swallowed hurt like hell as it entered my stomach. I ignored it for Monday, but when things continued on Tuesday I capitulated and went to a GP. She referred me back to a gastroenterologist in the region.

I got my medical records from my previous gastro and went to my appointment. The new guy flipped through everything, raised an eyebrow when I told him I wasn’t taking any medications, and then dropped an offhand bombshell when he said, “Well there’s some debate as to whether Pentasa actually helps people with Crohn’s.” So what the fuck have I been doing for the past five years?

He seemed slightly bemused by my approach but was otherwise supportive and even mentioned a couple of probiotic supplements that he had heard worked well. Overall, I think I definitely came out ahead by switching gastros: closer to my house, more supportive, less rushed and actually appears to be willing to listen when I talk rather than wait for me to shut up.

Anyway, the pain subsided in a day or two and now I just burp all the time. This is, of course, annoying, and I will be getting an endoscopy in early May to rule out any serious problems. Meanwhile, I get to wonder how it is a diet which is usually a cure for this sort of problem appears to have given me massive indigestion. Hmm.

Nine down, three to go. Wow.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Eighth monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.


Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:

The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.

The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.

The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.

I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.


March was insane.

I spent two weeks in India eating nothing but the continental breakfast (cheese/egg omelet, dry bacon, dry sausage) and then gorging at a Brazilian BBQ in the evening. At first, I felt somewhat self-conscious about eating tons of meat while people literally an 1/8th of a mile away were starving in abject poverty, but that went away on the second night when one of the BBQ chefs mocked me for not being able to eat enough meat. Game on after that.

By the third night they recognized my face and I barely had to order. I just walked in, they sat me down where I normally sat, and food started to appear. Wonderful!

Anyway, while there I managed to lose about 7 pounds. I was dizzy half the time, probably from the malaria medication, and slept poorly. I literally fell asleep while typing an email and woke up 20 minutes later with giant red mark on my forehead where it was resting on the desk. Incredible to experience real jet lag like that.

Ironically, after all the warnings about not drinking the water and intestinal parasites and whatnot, I think I may have actually gotten diarrhea from Continental. As soon as I landed in India, I had to go to the bathroom. After a few days of this, I took some antibiotics and it cleared up immediately. I was fine for the rest of the trip. Then, immediately on landing in Newark, I had to take a crap. I only waited a day before taking the remainder of my antibiotics, and it cleared right up. New hypothesis for traveler’s diarrhea: it’s actually the airline food.

The second half of March saw me falling ill for the first time since I went on the diet. It was a run of the mill cold with a touch of fever. I can’t report feeling any real difference in the cold compared to what colds were like prior to the diet – alas, eating like this is not magic.

I have not restarted my weightlifting program, though I want to. I’ve been playing a lot more paintball in preparation for the tournament in June and so I tend to be tired and sore from that for half the week. We’ll see how that goes.

Hard to believe it, but I’m ¾ of the way there. Eight down, four to go!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

February Weights and Measures

I just got back from a two week trip to India, so this is pretty late. I might make an interim post or handle that experience in the March report. You'll notice in the dataset that the first fifteen days of March are all the same - I didn't log anything over there and thus there's a two week hole in my records. I just filled it with something that seemed to be average.


Seventh monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.


Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:

The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.

The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.

The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.

I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.


February was uneventful. My second liver test came back normal in all categories. Whether this was because I stopped working out for a week prior to it or for some other reason I’ll never know.

The log is getting more and more difficult to keep, simply because I appear to be functioning normally and who the hell writes down everything they eat and every bowel movement they have? Sometimes you want to go back to whatever you were doing when you get out of the bathroom rather than hunt down a notebook and try to quantify the crap you just took.

I had to switch to a new notebook, having filled the original, and I flipped back through my old notes to see how things have progressed. I certainly have come a long way from August and September. It’s hard to remember the transition period clearly, although the log shows that it sucked. If a very low carb diet is generally effective in maintaining a Crohn’s remission, and a study organized where many people attempted to follow the diet, probably the hardest part for people will be getting through the first three months without losing hope (or too much weight; 6’3” and 151 pounds doesn’t feel healthy at all) or thinking, “This is bullshit; I’m crapping my brains out.”

That brings up the question of how I’ll ever be able to explain this approach to people. In a society that values a solution in a pill, especially one that promises a quick return to the imagined “normal” where one can eat whatever with no consequences, can an individual ever make a case for a low carb, low starch, low fiber approach without instantly turning away 95% of their audience?

Probably not. Maybe I’ll write a book titled, “The Crohn’s Cure: There isn’t one, deal.” I can see that being popular with publishers.

Anyway, I stopped overeating about halfway through the month and promptly lost five pounds, then stabilized at 180. My workouts have suffered since the week off, which seems to have interrupted my scheduling. Also, I’m going to India for two weeks on March 1, where I won’t have any access to weight training equipment, so there’s some sense that I’m just wasting time working out now. Oh well, I’ll jump back on the horse when I get back.

I suppose the only negative thing is that it’s getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning. Unfortunately, there’s a furry confounding factor in all this (my cat) who likes to make sure that I never get more than 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep on a given night. Is my diet making me tired or is it my cat? I’ll have to experiment with shutting her in the basement for a few weeks and see if that actually helps things.

I was very lax with my vitamin D supplementation this month, and I won’t be taking any in India, so I’ll have to resume that when I get back. Maybe that will help. Maybe I’m deficient in something else. Or maybe chronic lack of sleep just makes you tired?

Seven down, five to go. Over the hump!

Monday, February 1, 2010

January Weights and Measures

Sixth monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.


Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:

The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.

The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.

The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.

I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.


Six months down! Day 180 actually came a few days ago. Halfway there. I promised myself I’d re-evaluate at six months and see how things were going, make any tweaks that seemed necessary, and then finish out the year. Here it goes.

January was about as boring as December when it came to Crohn’s Disease. It’s becoming more and more difficult to remember to log everything because there’s just nothing interesting to note. I’m in remission without medication. My poop is normal. I’m gaining weight. Great, now what?

Well, for one, I went to my gastroenterologist and told her that I was no longer taking medication in order to test a diet. She wilted in her chair like I had just told her I killed someone dear to her. Her tone of voice and demeanor completely changed from cheerful, “you take your pills so you’re a good boy” to “oh my god you killed the family dog”. She said that I really should be on medication because people have flareups when they stop. I mentioned that I did not appear to be flaring up, that I actually felt great, and she said she couldn’t argue with that. She seemed shocked when I mentioned some of the research showing that this angle wasn’t entirely insane. I couldn’t tell if it was the affront of me trying to tell her how to do her job or just her experience with people like me doing stupid things and then begging for steroids a few months later. So with that “resolved”, they drew my blood and I left.

A few weeks later she calls and tells me that my liver enzyme panel was out of whack. Everything pertaining to Crohn’s Disease was normal, but two liver enzymes were elevated: ALT at 121 (normal is 55) and AST at 56 (normal is 40). She asked if I was drinking (I wasn’t) or if I was taking any medication like ibuprofen (I wasn’t). Since I wasn’t taking any Crohn’s medications, it couldn’t be that. So I get to go to a lab in mid-February for another test to confirm the first one, and if that’s elevated the working hypothesis will be either hepatitis or some sort of liver disease.

I, of course, did my own research and discovered a paper from 2008 outlining how some healthy males had pathological levels of ALT and AST when engaging in heavy weight lifting exercises. Since I’m in the middle of a heavy weight lifting regime, this seems like a plausible explanation for elevated liver enzymes. In order to test the idea, I’ll be as sedentary as possible for the 7-10 days leading up to the blood test.

In the weight lifting realm, incidentally, I pushed my weight up to 175 on the squat, but felt that my form was pretty poor. So I reset twice now to work on it. I’d prefer to squat less weight and have a healthy back than go for broke and break something. Weight gain continues, though not at that rapid pace. I’m up to 184 now, so a gain of 10lbs over this month.

Overeating to the degree that is necessary to gain weight is extremely difficult on this diet. I haven’t felt hunger for a month and a half, and my whole body is resisting the idea of eating more. I’ll probably stop overeating soon, simply because I can’t stand it anymore. Sorry, Sean, I won’t be able to race you to 200lbs.

My only six-month gut-check tweak is that for the month of February (to start) I’m going to be taking a Vitamin D3 supplement. I’m curious to see if there’s any effect on energy levels. Getting out of bed in the morning hasn’t been easy all winter, and maybe that has something to do with a lack of sunlight. If there’s an improvement, I’ll keep it up.

Also, I’ve decided to bail out on my challenge to myself to ride a century on a bicycle this year. Further research into chronic cardio exercise like long distance biking has convinced me that it’s not particularly healthy or useful. I’ll be playing in a paintball tournament this year, which means I need to develop sprinting stamina, not be able to spin a bike pedal for seven hours. Previous experience has taught me that training one does little if anything for the other, so there’s no need to punish myself on a bike four times a week. Instead, I get to practice sprinting.

Six months down. Six to go.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

December Weights and Measures

Fifth monthly roundup of measured data and analysis.


Since blogger is annoying in how it handles images, I’m going to upload an Excel (2003) spreadsheet. Here’s a link:

The "Weekly Graphs" worksheet shows the weekly average of weight and the weekly average combined BM score and quantity. Also added average frequency.

The "Weight Chart Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily morning weight.

The "BM Score Daily Graph" worksheet shows the daily combined BM score and quantity.

I'm keeping a food log and notes in a written notebook, which for the sake of putting off an annoying task, I will scan and upload when I'm done rather than every month.


Month five was a relatively boring month. I played in two one day paintball games and didn’t suffer the exhaustion that I did from Fulda. My BM frequency leveled out, aside from one or two, probably holiday induced, turbulent days.

The interesting note from month five comes from the weight lifting program. After a disappointing November in terms of strength gains, I decided to step back and look at my diet more closely. I created a spreadsheet to track calories and discovered, to my great surprise, that I was only eating 2200-2500 calories a day. Subjectively it felt like I was stuffing myself – I only felt edgy hunger in the mornings, and then only for a few minutes before it went away – yet I was actually eating a fairly restrained amount of food.

Since virtually all weight programs call for increased consumption of food (a gallon of milk a day on top of what you already eat is a common prescription), I decided to increase my consumption of food and see what happened. I added in more cheese to my burgers and started drinking cups of heavy cream to add in even more fat calories. My hope was that this would allow my body to spare the maximum amount of protein for muscle repair.

In the month of December, my weight went from 159 pounds on 12/1/09 to 173 pounds on 1/1/10, a gain of 14 pounds. My squat went from 130lbs to 165lbs, with a steady gain of 5lbs per workout. So it appears that eating more really does solve that problem.

My only concern here is that I’m beginning to suspect I might have some sort of very mild reaction to the heavy cream. It’s difficult to describe, but sometime after drinking a cup of it I begin to feel thirsty and have a sensation of dry mouth. Maybe the lactose in the cream is enough to set off a minor reaction. For now I’m going to continue using cream to supplement fat calories and see what comes of it.

January promises to be an interesting month – I might end up in India for several weeks, eating almost exclusively at a Brazilian BBQ. Oh boy. I’m also going to my gastroenterologist for my six month checkup, and I can’t wait to see what she has to say about my results.

Five months down, seven to go!